what if there were a way of changing boring work at the office into sexy & exciting experience?
I spend most of my time sitting behind the desk — I bet you do too, and just like me must know the fatigue you get for sitting for too long. With TableAir we took on a journey and asked ourselves, what if you could transform boring work at the office into sexy and exciting experience.

I've been designing games for nearly a decade, game development was not only my bread and butter but also a topic that I've been very passionate about and could talk for hours, it still is exciting but just in different form. It took me 8 years to crystallize what I really loved about gamedev and it is that very subtle way of taking what at the most fundamental level is only a collection of equations that lights up pixels on the screen and assembling it all in such a way that the outcome becomes a living thing.
Gamification increases engagement and puts person through emotional ride, yet the fact remains the same — everything apart from reactionary feelings stay inside the monitor. For the most part work we do is digital thus a little bit not real, urge in my heart of creating something real was always present.
Years were passing, I could wait no longer and decided to create something tangible, thought of building product that could be grasped by millions was thrilling. Long story short together with a friend and colleague Justinas we built smart table like no other.
If you’re reading this article and am sitting behind the desk chances are you've heard about recent trend of height adjustable tables and statements such “Sitting is the new smoking” this one is becoming a little bit of a cliché actually... We believe healthy is sexy so we built TableAir.
TableAir in a nutshell is smart height adjustable table that can be paired with your smartphone. But this description doesn't do justice, TableAir is so much more than just a smart table. Bear with me a few minutes and I’ll walk you through exciting journey we've taken while making TableAir a reality.
1. Making experience natural
The most natural way of showing height is placing your hand in the air, the height is described by the distance between the hand and whatever base is bellow. This naturally came as a starting point for us, we embedded proximity sensor into the table top, wrapped everything into beautiful design and build technology around it. It works beautifully and feels as if table becomes natural extension of your movements, you place your hand in the air and table simply lifts up and adjusts to your desired height.
2. Let there be light
You know that moment late in the evening when the mood for working kicks in? I do, and when you turn on the general lighting in the office it becomes a day and it just kills that work mood… The benefits of having ability of activating an ambient back light can not be stressed enough and the experience becomes only more unforgettable when you can also choose your desired color as well.
3. Gamification
Healthy lifestyle is serious part of human life and acknowledging importance of healthy living is first step into more fulfilling, richer life. Starting using height adjustable table can be a tough exercise hence we’re developing a special program which reminds you to change positions every now and then by increasing standing periods until you reach your desired standing goal. Program activated and color of the ambient back light can be chosen using our specially developed iPhone app, yeah did I forget to mention you can pair your smartphone with the table?
Building real item is no monkey business that’s why we partnered up with a company which is involved into manufacturing and furniture business for decades. Leveraging on their experiences and contacts acquired through the years we are able to produce highest quality product at the most competitive price point. Infrastructure is there, knowledge is there, now we only need to see that you believe in the concept. The construction of table was manufactured complying to strict regulations and as a result TableAir is durable, strong and reliable companion in your everyday work environment.

Hello world!
We've put a lot of sweat into TableAir and it would be a shame if we only have a Kicstarter campaign as an introduction, the best way of experiencing TableAir is trying it yourself, so for that reason we’re excited to announce showroom in London will open in a few days. We've just finished fitting it and can’t wait to see you here! This is unique opportunity not only try TableAir firsthand but also meet the team behind it. We’re based at The Artworks in 2 Elephant road, SE17 1LA there were some delays with the opening of the entire place so if you get trouble getting in give me a call at 0793461570 and we’ll sort it out.

We spend 55 min commuting with cars on average, they not only help us get from point A to point B but also serve as sort of avatars to the strangers while cruising through the downtown.
In contrast we spend at least 7-8 hours at the office surrounded by colleagues, people who are (want we or not) big part of our lives. Cars have been out there for more than 100 years and faced amazing transformations, starting with three-wheeled automobile built in 1881, continuing with early Mercedec, BMW models and ending today with amazing Tesla. How ever innovation in our offices have only begun, imagine that with TableAir we’re jumping from 3 wheeled wooden carriage (which is equivalent to majority of the office desks) to the magnificent Tesla (or even further).
So just to get my point through: for driving 55 min a day we’re ready to pay an average price of $31 k when in comparison we think table where we spend 7-8 hours a day, few hundreds are enough for quality product. I think it’s about time to change that perception. If you’re paying up to £500 for table chances are you’re getting only a fancier looking wooden carriage, not a powerful piece of equipment that can help you produce better results at work.
TableAir comes at a price point of £1,500 (compared to £2,290 closest US competitor) we’re here to show you that there is another way of approaching work and if you’re ready to go ahead we’re here to share challenges and joys that await.
Just beginning
We’ve got many more exciting ideas that we want to execute in the fields of work efficiency and healthy lifestyle, this is our first step into making it all reality, the journey has only begun — I invite you to join along order TableAir here.
CEO & Co-founder
Lukas Lukoševičius
Special thanks to the wonderful people without whom TableAir would not have happened:
Justinas Vilimas — cofounder and CTO of TableAir who worked enormous hours to make a lot of things happen.
Indre Brazaityte — my better half and biggest support I could ever ask. Thank you for your patience and believing in me.
Two Dicks Klan — an awesome bunch of most creative guys who got the idea behind the TableAir immediately and made perfect video for it (Dominykas, Paulius, Egidijus, Vitalijus) also Lina for removing the protective film from the table, we've waited 6 months to finally see it happen!
Kęstutis Gramba — good friend and web genius behind our small but straight to the point website.
Vision LTD — all the T-shirts bags and goodies that will be given to the lucky TableAir owners.
and many others who gave valuable insights and believed in the project
THANK YOU, you’re people that makes this world a beautiful place!